Authors: Sanja Lukić, Hrvoje Draganić
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5592/CO/ZT.2021.10
First Page: 61 Last Page: 66
Abstract: In recent decades, we have witnessed an increasing number of terrorist attacks utilizing improvised explosive devices. Bridges are attractive targets because of their easy accessibility and great importance in transportation infrastructure. The failure of the bridge column affects the bearing capacity of the entire structure, therefore the effect of the blast load on the column was observed. Columns are critical because in the past they have been designed to withstand minimal lateral loads. The archived overpass projects on Croatian roads and highways were reviewed, and a column designed according to Yugoslav standards was selected. The selected column will be field blast tested. The aim is to test the resistance of the existing column on the blast load and increase the database of measured blast wave parameters. A numerical model will be calibrated and used for further blast load simulations based on the measured results.
Keywords: highway bridge columns, field blast tests, blast load
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