Author: Hana Begić
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5592/CO/ZT.2021.01
First Page: 9 Last Page: 14
Abstract: This paper presents the monitoring of the construction process, examples of its automation and examples of the application of digital object recognition technology in construction monitoring. Given that the construction industry is usually characterized by low productivity, cost overruns, missing deadlines and the emergence of unexpected problems, it can be said that timely monitoring is the key to project success. With quality monitoring, it is possible to plan costs, deadlines and resources more successfully, and use data from previous projects in similar new for improved plans. The emergence of new technologies leads to the automation of monitoring, the application of which enables the reduction of costs, project duration and detailed collection of data on existing buildings. In addition to automating the monitoring of the construction process, it is also possible to automate the updating of plans during construction, which enables continuous monitoring of the progress or execution of each element and the entire building with the shift of planned deadlines. Digital object recognition technology has found its application in monitoring the construction process and has shown significant improvements in terms of increasing efficiency, quality and safety in the project.
Keywords: construction process monitoring, object detection, automation of monitoring
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